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Best Bet Win Strike Rate
Best Bet Place Strike Rate
Average Price Of Winner
Units Profit Long Term
Win and Place Strike Rates are the backbone of our service as we provide an in-depth Saturday Racing Preview each week for members that covers every race across the Big 3 Tracks (Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne) - our Strike Rates describe exactly how consistent our Saturday Previews are every Saturday!
Best Bet 38% Win Strike RateOur Best Bets are striking at a strong 38% Win Strike Rate and a 71% Place Strike Rate! These are our most confident selections that we identify each and every Saturday, and they are currently running at a 125.85 Unit Profit.
Overall 43% Top 2 Strike RateThis means our Top Pick in all races every Saturday is running either 1st or 2nd in almost half of all races! We select a Top Pick every race so we don't get to pick or choose whether we are opting in or out of a race. This is simply the Top selection we identify for our members every race regardless, and they are finishing 1st or 2nd 43% of the time.
Average Price of a WinnerThis is very important to us as we want to ensure we are providing as much value as possible to our members when they have a win. An overall Average Price Winner of $4.00 ensures that when members are having a win, it's not on an odds on pop (yes we do tip odds on pops when we think they will win), and that they truly are having a win!
Overall Units ProfitAn Overall Profit of 229.76 Units depicts that if you apply a simple across the board staking system (1 Unit for a Top Pick, 3 Units for a Best Bet) we are consistently profiting across the lifespan of the service. We don't pick and choose which races we analyse each week as we provide analysis for every single Saturday race across Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, so our overall profit includes both the low and high confidence races to depict our overall consistency regardless of the race circumstances.
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